DC to DC pantograph e-bus charger

Electway charger factory will support and help you to set up the pantograph e-bus charger system from pre-sale, installation to after-sale service.

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Product Introduction

In order to recharge a passenger bus sufficiently, charging stations are needed to reflect the different amounts of time available—i.e., when the bus is at a passenger stop vs. being in the depot. Recharging during the passenger exchange at underway bus stops, for example, is only practical if a charging capacity of 200 - 400 kW can be realized.

The electrical contact system, consisting of a pantograph, a contact head and a roadside contact hood, which aim was to safely transmit high electric capacities, and the currents associated with them, to a stationary vehicle via a compact and robust system.

Each driver must be able to position a bus at the curb with an accuracy of 40 cm in the direction of travel and 30 cm laterally.

The automated process must be easily integrated into the drivers’ regular work routine. The only information that the drivers will be provided with is status information about the charging process, but they will retain the option of canceling or terminating the charging process.

The roadside contact hood has to be installed so that its lower edge remains at a height of at least 4.50 m above the road at all times. Energy transmission is to start within 0.5 sec of the contact closure.

Energy transmission is to be initiated only if electric safety can be ensured. If a discrepancy or deviation is detected by one of the subsystems, the charging process is to be terminated


DC to DC Pantograph e-bus charger system

Product specification

  • Input AC grid: 3x400VAC (+/-10%)
  • Alternative input DC grid: 500 – 750 VDC

(High-charging capacity lithium-ion batteries)

  • Connecting power: 270 kVA
  • Output voltage: 0 – 750 VDC
  • Charging capacity: max. 240 kW
  • Efficiency: >95 %

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